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   Entertainment: Hooker vs. Lawyer
Friday, February 4, 2005 @ 02:39PM
What's the difference between a hooker and a lawyer?

The hooker stops after your dead.

   Common Sense: Why do people actually rent movies?
Wednesday, January 26, 2005 @ 02:30PM
Why do people bother to rent movies? It currently costs about $4.50 to rent a video while at the same time Walmart has over 100 movies for between $5.50 and $10.00. I will grant you the newest movies cost you about $15 but if you wait a little while even those movies will be less than $10. Even at $15 the movie is only $10 more and you can own the damn movie and do whatever you want with it, you can also watch it many times without worrying about getting it back to the local movie rental store on time. In addition, since it is new you also do not have to worry about brining it home only to find out it is scratched and unplayable.

If you decide you no longer want the movie you can sell it on ebay or for those less technically inclined you can sell it to a store like half-price books which will give you at least a few dollars.

I would surmise that if you were to go to your local video rental store and look at their older movie selection almost every movie on the racks have been in the Walmart bargain-bin at some point and are likely to be in the bargain-bin again at some point. I will grant you there is one exception to this and that is movies distributed by Disney. Disney is positioned in a position where they can get parents to buy their kids their movies at any price, however for the rest of the movie studios they cannot keep artificial high movie prices and they eventually come down to below $10, usually within a year. If you go to Walmart you have a selection of over 100 movies all under $10, with that many movies there has to be at least one you will like.

A possible reason for renting movie could be because the individuals rent the movies do not have a high level of disposable income. If this is the case, then the best solution would be to go to their local library. Most modern libraries in every major and not so major city in America have a library that has DVDs or at the very least VHS tapes. Many libraries are tied to together so if your library does not have the movie you want, there is a good likelihood they can find the movie for you.

Therefore, the question remains, why people bother to rent movies instead of just buying them. If you have any clue why people rent movies I encourage you to let me know by clicking on Read More/Comments below and post a comment.

   Entertainment: Way to much free time, part deux
Monday, January 17, 2005 @ 10:47PM
Some people really do have waayyy to much time on their hands. This time PervertedGeek brings you this: Drum Machine

Yes, it does take forever to load.

That is all.

   Entertainment: Way to much free time
Tuesday, January 11, 2005 @ 03:09PM
What one person can do when they have waaay to much free time. PerveredGeek presents to you numanuma. Catchy, isn't it? And yes this link is safe for work.
If you wondering the song is Ozone - Numa Numa

That is all.

   Entertainment: Sorry to Disappoint - Pervs
Monday, January 10, 2005 @ 08:39PM
PervertedGeek brings to you the third comic installment by Dr. Maximillion Weatherby. Click on Read More/Comments to see the rest of the comic strip.

   Common Sense: Privacy – Prove who you are or get out
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 @ 02:19PM
There is a reason why people will ask for your Drivers license or other proof of ID. Giving your name or phone number is not worth a damn because anyone can get that information and pretend they are that person. When someone asks for an ID it is because they are trying to protect you from someone else being able to take control of your account and doing damage; it is not because they are trying to be an asshole to you.

If the policy says you must provide a photo ID then you must do so, if you do not have a photo ID or do not wish to provide it to the person requesting it then get the hell out and do not complain. The official policy is everyone must have a membership card or provide a photo ID so deal with it or get the hell out. So from now on do not piss and moan to me about having to provide an ID, this the same policy everyone is kept to, no sir you are not the exception so deal with it.

   World News: Quote of the Day
Sunday, January 2, 2005 @ 12:40AM

Why buy one when you can buy two for twice the price.

That is all.

   Entertainment: No NORAD Santa tracker this year kids...
Friday, December 24, 2004 @ 09:56PM
Sorry, kids, but NORAD will not be tracking Santa this year. A suit filed in federal court on Tuesday by the ACLU and the People for the American Way alleges that any use of government computers to aid the fat man this year constitutes a clear violation of the separation of church and state.

In a related filing, the ACLU and PFTAW are bringing a class-action lawsuit against Santa, citing numerous cases of unlawful entry, breaking and entering, trespassing, as well as a civil complaint alleging illegal operation of a flying craft without proper inspections, piloting without a license, and flying through restricted airspace without proper security clearance and prior authorization.

Sorry, kids, Christmas is cancelled this year, and for the forseeable future. It looks like Santa will be spending the rest of his life in the pen, making big rocks into little rocks.

   Common Sense: Pick your damn lane and stay in it
Monday, December 20, 2004 @ 01:12PM
There is one thing I hate worse than someone who merges into my lane without giving me notification by using their turn signal. That thing would be someone who does not use a turn signal and straddles both lanes while they are trying to decide which lane to be in. Even worse than that is when the person is in both lanes they are only going 20mph. in a 35mph zone.

While you are straddling both lanes do not get the idea that I am slowing down because I actually want you to merger into my lane. The reason I am slowing down is because I do not want to be sideswiped while you are try to figure out where the hell you are and what lane you want to be in.

The correct procedure for driving is to pick the lane you want to be in and stay in it. If you must be in another lane make sure you want to be in a different lane, give adequate notification to the drivers already in the lane by using your turn signal and then merge in to the lane when there is enough room to safely merger between cars. The incorrect way is to straddle both lanes and then decide what you want to do.

You have now been informed, so no more straddling the damn lanes.

   Common Sense: Plan ahead during the course of driving
Saturday, December 18, 2004 @ 05:12PM
It’s not my fault you do not know which lane you should be in so do not honk your horn at me like it’s my fault. One day not to long ago, I was driving down a four lane road. I was in the curb lane driving at the appropriate speed during what I would consider light traffic. As I was driving along, I saw a SUV with its right turn signal on. Normally if a car wants to get into my lane and the car is sufficiently in front of me I will ease up on the gas as to slow my vehicle in manner which will allow the car in the other lane to merger into my lane before I approach them. This time it was not the case.

The SUV was right next to me and for me to allow them to merge in front of me I would have had to decelerate in such a manner that would require me to apply brakes. So what did the car do? Did they just wait for me to pass and then merge over, no of course not they have to honk their horn at me like I did something wrong. They thought I was wrong not to slam on my breaks so they could merge into my lane. It was not like there was heavy traffic or I took such an action to prevent them to merge other than keep my current speed.

A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither. --Thomas Jefferson

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