About PervertedGeek.com
(per-vert-ed) adj.
Deviating from what is considered normal or correct.
The primary goal of PervertedGeek.com is to show a glimpse of the world through the eyes of the editor of PervertedGeek. PervertedGeek is dedicated to covering many
topics including news, entertainment and common sense we believe most should have figured out but have failed to do so. It would not be right to avoid hearing the
opinions of the readers of PervertedGeek so through comments at the bottom of every topic we encourage you to share your perspectives on the topics covered by
PervertedGeek. From time to time, we will post topics and even comics submitted by readers of PervertedGeek so if there is topic you wish PervertedGeek
to cover, we encourage you to send an email with the topic and your perspective to topics@pervertedgeek.com.
Guidelines for posting comments:
· Personal attacks are not permitted. Forum posters should have the freedom to convey their message without having to worry about personal attacks.
· No trolling. Don't make posts that are designed to intentionally anger or upset others.
· Do not post links or requests for copy written material. Posting copyrighted material or providing links to copyrighted material is strictly forbidden.
· Respect the privacy of others. Do not post other's personal information such as phone numbers, addresses, pictures, etc., without their express permission.
·Keep foul language to a minimum. Please keep PervertedGeek a friendly environment for everyone of all ages.
· NO spamming. No commercial oriented posts, and no flooding with useless content.
-Editor of PervertedGeek.com