Which is the best
Entertainment: Hide and Creep my ass |
Thursday, July 7, 2005 @ 01:35AM I know it has a few weeks since PervertedGeek has reviewed any movies but I just watched one that was such crap I thought it was time to review another movie. This time the movie is “Hide and Creep” and to keep it short, this movie sucks.
I got it because on the box it said MoviePoopShoot.com called it “Even better than Shaun of the Dead.” Shaun of the dead was fucking awesome to I thought “Hide and Creep” would at least be decent but I was wrong. The acting is the worst I have seen all year. Out of the 100 movies I have seen so far this year, the acting in “Hide and Creep” is by far the worst of them all and I have seen some total crap. After going to MovePoopShoot.com to find out who said it was better than Shaun of the Dead I am fairly sure the people on the website that said it were actually the creators of “Hide and Creep” themselves; either that or someone was smoking crack to come up with the idea of the movie being better than Shaun of the Dead.
Now as I have said, I have watched lots of movies so I am starting to get use to seeing man ass in movies but this movie took it to far. Hide and Creep was full of man wang. This is taking it too far. I am not talking about a couple of seconds of wang like 28 Days later but rather gratuitous, uncalled for man wang in far too much of the movie.
So if you see this movie in the store, do not get this pile of crap. This movie is among my top 5 list of worst movies ever. I am sure there are worse movies out there but at the moment I cannot think of a worse pile of crap.
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World News: Astrologer Sues NASA |
Tuesday, July 5, 2005 @ 01:48PM A Russian astrologer has sued NASA, claming the Deep Impact probe that blew a hole into the comet Tempel 1 "ruins the natural balance of forces in the universe." The astrologer is seeking $300 million for her ”moral sufferings” and because of the impact her horoscope has become deformed.
It is now obvious at least one Russian citizen has wholeheartedly embraced the US style of democracy.
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Entertainment: 4th of July |
Monday, July 4, 2005 @ 08:42PM I hope everyone celebrated the 4th of July today by grilling dead animals and blowing up a small part of the country our service men and women have fought to protect.
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Entertainment: Get you AXE body spray |
Friday, June 24, 2005 @ 01:42AM What I learn from commercials-
Buy AXE body spray and women will rape you in public.
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World News: Demographics |
Wednesday, June 22, 2005 @ 12:43AM What do you call an 18 to 34 year old male?
A thief.
What do you call a 10 year old male?
A thief in training.
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World News: We are very very sorry :-( |
Monday, June 13, 2005 @ 11:55PM I can now rest better at night because the senate has finally acknowledged that lynching people is bad. Why is this new because for the first part of the last century lynching was all right because the senate out of the 200 anti-lynching lass introduced passed not a one. I can now have a good nights rest because the senate was able to finally clarify that lynching was bad after 150 years of debate over it.
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Common Sense: Store Staffing |
Wednesday, June 1, 2005 @ 03:21PM The next time you visit the store and have a problem, keep the following in mind.
Remember that 90% of the time store employees are: 1. Underpaid. 2. Undertrained. 3. Just doing what they're told and they probably think it's as stupid as you do. 4. Being forced to complete a task with fewer people, less time and less money than is realistic required. 5. Most likely will not be working for the store three months from now.
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Entertainment: The movies keep coming |
Wednesday, June 1, 2005 @ 02:44PM You probably did not notice but I did not post any comments about the movies that came out last week. That us because there was not much to say about them that same it true this week. Last week saw Are We There Yet? and Aviator come out to DVD and this week we have even fewer movies coming to DVD. This week Boogeyman came to DVD.
Are We There Yet? stars Ice Cube who offers to drive his girlfriend’s kids from Portland to British Columbia. The movie is suppose to be comedy and despite the effort of Ice Cube the movie is not funny and only a five year old will actually like this movie. If you see this movie once you will never want to see it again, this is the kind of movie you watch then a week later you forget you ever watched it.
The Aviator is about the life of Howard Hughes’s life including the time he was in Hollywood and his biggest boondoggle, the Spruce Goose. This movie is long, very long, almost three hours. The movie just keeps going and then the movie comes to an abrupt end. While the movie is not entirely accurate about the life of Howard Hughes it is half entertaining for awhile. After watching the Aviator I learned one thing, Hawkeye was a senator before going over to Korea to work in a MASH unit. I never knew that and it never seemed to come up in the show.
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World News: Taking the Tin Foil Hat to New Level |
Tuesday, May 24, 2005 @ 12:04AM
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A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither. --Thomas Jefferson