Which is the best
Common Sense: Survival of the fittest |
Thursday, July 21, 2005 @ 02:30AM No, you cannot pay your employee close to nothing, give them no hours, push them to hard everyday to reach impossible deadlines and expect to keep them. If you keep changing everything while showing no appreciation to the employees which are having do implement the change, the employee will not stay with you. If you treat your employee like crap to save literally twelve dollars, you will not have good employee retention. Before long you are company that lacks focus with employees that only stay with you because they are incompetent and unable to find better jobs.
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Common Sense: Companies without focus |
Thursday, July 21, 2005 @ 02:26AM How can a companies stay in business when they have no focus. As an executive, you cannot throughout ideas and see what will stick. You need to have a clean focus of what you want to do and how you expect to grow. No, your focus cannot be as simple as telling stores to sell more and hope for the best. You need to have an idea how the stores will sell more product. And no, shifting your company focus every three months will not make you profitable. And finally, no, you cannot change how your company fundamentally does business because that is what your customers what without first having an idea how you will make money after you change how your company operates.
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Common Sense: Public Restrooms |
Thursday, July 21, 2005 @ 02:16AM Do not assume every store has a public restroom. In most states, stores do not have to provide you with a restroom. If you do not like that then do not come to the store. Yes, most stores do have a restroom for employees but that does not mean you get to use them too. No, no matter how much you yell and complain you cannot use the private employee restroom. Deal with it.
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Common Sense: Standing in line |
Thursday, July 21, 2005 @ 02:14AM No, another register will not be opened so you can get through the like two minutes faster. The manager knows how many registers should be open to satisfy the demand. There will times when you will have to wait longer than others. Deal with the fact you decided to come to the store and checkout the same time many other people. You may have to wait now but ten minutes from now there will be no line and it will be a waste to open a new register. If a new register were to open it would do ten transactions and then no longer be needed. All the third register will do is create more work for the store to close at night because the drawer will need to be counter down and more paper work will need to be filled out.
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Site News: Victory is ours |
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 @ 02:07PM PervertedGeek has reached 100 posts; so, here is to another 100.
That is all.
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Common Sense: Reviewing movies |
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 @ 01:57PM No, it is not possible for a video clerk to watch every damn movie that comes out. No video clerks do not get paid to watch every movie. Even if they were able to watch every movie why would they when most movies that come out are crap and a waste of two hours. So when the clerk tells you they have not seen a certain movie do not get upset and start yelling at them. Would rather the clerk lie to you and say they have seen every movie and they are all great.
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Common Sense: In stock |
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 @ 01:55PM If the service representative tells you they are out of the product, they are out of it. They cannot pull one out of their ass no matter how much you yell at them. No stores do not hide product in the back just so they can pull it out right after you leave. And stop thinking you are entitled to every damn thing you want.
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Common Sense: Coupons |
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 @ 01:55PM Yes, you do need to present the coupon to the cashier to redeem it. No the cashier cannot just take your word that you have the coupon at home. No the cashier does not have one behind the counter you can use. It is not the cashiers fault you forgot the coupon at home.
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Entertainment: Life found on planet - so says the face |
Monday, July 18, 2005 @ 09:06PM
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A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither. --Thomas Jefferson