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   World News: That is just wrong!!!
Thursday, August 4, 2005 @ 12:02AM
I know this is old new but what the hell is wrong with people. Horse, man, butt sex, perforated colon, who the hell did not see this one coming.

Why the hell is there no law banning sex with animals in Washington state?

This is one fucked up world.

   Entertainment: American Cheese
Monday, August 1, 2005 @ 08:36PM
American Cheese is American cheese because it is processed and phony.

That is all.

   Common Sense: Stealing
Monday, August 1, 2005 @ 05:23PM
I would like to there to be a new theft law. If you are caught stealing, you get shot. There can be exceptions to the law such as if you were caught stealing food for your family or if you are a child then you are allowed to remain living. But if you and adult and are caught stealing something like lets say DVDs which are not essential for you to stay alive then the store has the right to shot the theif once for every item you stole.

People who steal, are the scum of the earth that do nothing but create problems for everyone else. Thieves are nothing but big scum sucking parasites of humanity which should be wiped off the face of the earth so everyone else can prosper. People who steal do not just steal once and stop doing it, they keep doing it till they are caught and even then do not stop most of the time so by just killing them off now will save us time from having to arrest them again for doing the same damn thing.

   World News: So, it was a fad after all who knew
Monday, August 1, 2005 @ 01:01AM
I fucking knew, that is who. Atkins is bankrupt. The company that started the low-carb diet is bankrupt. I do believe it is now possible to call the entire thing a fad. And here I thought that eating all the fatty foods I could eat was good for me, damn, back to just eating less fucking food to lose weight for me.

   World News: Cool Mom or Perv
Tuesday, July 26, 2005 @ 02:37AM
Going to far to be a “cool mom” or just a fucking perv? I will let you decide. And no, in this case it is not good to be considered a perv.

   World News: I knew J-Lo sucked
Monday, July 25, 2005 @ 11:26PM
Here’s a real shocker; Sony was caught using payola to get songs played on the radio. Sony paid radio stations and DJs to get certain songs played. The more crappy songs the stations played, the more the stations got paid. I knew there was no way people actually wanted listen to J-Lo on the radio.

   Entertainment: Inspirational Movies

   Common Sense: Manager’s job
Friday, July 22, 2005 @ 03:12PM
It is not the manager’s job to do whatever the customer wants. It is the job of the manager to do what will help the company be profitable. Screaming at the manager will not cause him to do whatever you want. If your demand is unreasonable and you are being an asshole he does not have to do anything for you. Most managers do want to help the customer and do what is right but if you attack him as soon as to walk in the door demanding stuff do not be surprised when he resists. Many managers follow the philosophy of assuming the customer is lying till you can prove they are not and screaming does not help prove you are not lying. Managers are people too but if they have been a manager for more than a day, then they will have already had many people yell at them demanded stuff so do not surprised when the manager does not just bend over and give you everything you want.

   Common Sense: The cycle of promotion
Friday, July 22, 2005 @ 03:09PM
Ever wonder why businesses seem to be filled with such fuckups for employees. In business, people are promoted up until they reach one level higher than they can handle. As people become successful in the current positions, they move up the ladder and eventually they will reach a position that is just above their level of ability. They will then fail at this position. It is possible they will be demoted to a position they are good at, however they will eventually move up again to a position that is past their ability and so the cycle of promotion and failure begins again.

   Common Sense: Company success
Friday, July 22, 2005 @ 03:06PM
Just because a company is big does not make them evil. All companies had to start small at some point but because they were successful, made the right decision and with a clear focus they made it big. You cannot blame the big corporation for their competitors going out of business. No one forced the customers to go to one store over another. So do not go to the successful store and complain about how great their bankrupt competitor was, if the competitor was so great why are they bankrupt.

A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither. --Thomas Jefferson

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