Which is the best
Entertainment: Bargain Bin DVDs – The first $20 million |
Monday, October 11, 2004 @ 11:10PM For PervertedGeek’s next bargain bin movie review we have "The first $20 million". The original title of the movie was "The first $20 million is always the hardest" which is a little ironic seeing as this movie only made $5,491 in the box office. The question that must be raised is which two theaters actually played this movie so it could make any money. To save you time from reading the rest of this movie PervertedGeek gives this movie a rating of dumpster. This movie should never have been made. I have no idea who thought this movie actually thought it was a good idea. Andy (Adam Garcia) is a marketing executive who decides he no longer wants his high paying job and trophy girlfriend so he leaves his job and joins a tech think-tank at a place called La Honda. Why Honda did not sue Fox for using this name I have no idea but I am guessing it is because only about five people in the world ever saw the movie. I have serious doubts that the director even saw the movie. Was there even a director for this movie? According to the DVD box there was a director but I still have my doubts.
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World News: Replacing the iPod battery |
Friday, October 8, 2004 @ 12:14PM Do you know how many people told me they will not buy an iPod because the battery is not replaceable? Despite what some websites are saying, it is possible to have the battery in the iPod replaced. The iPod battery is rated to last for 500 charging cycles which means most batteries will last for several years. But when the battery does finally die, it can be replaced. If the battery dies within two years and the iPod owner bought the AppleCare extended warranty, Apple will replace the battery for free. If the iPod is out of warranty it is still possible to replace the battery by either sending it back to Apple or doing it yourself.
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Common Sense: Using the shoulder during traffic jams |
Friday, October 8, 2004 @ 10:55AM When there is a traffic jam and traffic is backed up, why must people use the shoulder so they do not have to wait in traffic like everyone else? What makes you so damn special you believe you can use the shoulder and fly past everyone else that is waiting? Unless you have lights on the top on your car and a siren there is no reason you should be trying to pass everyone by using the shoulder. Is it because that is the closest your SUV will ever get to off roading? Those of you trying to pass everyone by using the shoulder are not the only ones to blame. Why the hell do people let the people using the shoulder back into traffic? Make the people trying to pass everyone wait in the shoulder. Do not let them back into traffic. Why the hell do they deserve to pass everyone? It is because of these people traffic slows down more than it already has.
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Entertainment: Bargain Bin DVDs – Total Recall |
Wednesday, October 6, 2004 @ 06:34PM This is to be the first movie review installment of movies you can find for $6 or less in stores. For those of you who have never looked for cheap DVD movies you can find them in most stores that sell movies in large metal bins or shelves. These movies make up movies the stores are trying to get rid of. You never know what will be in the bins. Did I for get to mention the bargain bins do not necessarily have recent or even good movies? At the end of each installment an attempt will be made to determine if the movie is worthy of a price tag of $6.00 or less or if the DVD should really be filling a land fill and stores should be prevented from being able to legally sell the movie. Each movie will either receive a rating of keeper or dumpster. A keeper movie is a movie that might actually be worth buying for $6.00. A dumpster movie, you guessed it, is a movie that should be filling a landfill instead of taking up space in a store or an individual’s movie collection. For the first installment, we are going to review Total Recall not just Total Recall but Total Recall Special Edition. Total Recall stars Arnold Schwarzenegger who plays a character named Quaid. Quaid makes the decision to visit Rekall Incorporated, which makes it possible to implant false memories into the brains of their vict customers. Quaid (Arnold Schwarzenegger) selects to have a memory implanted which makes him believe he visited Mars and while there, he saves the planed and does the typical secret agent/super hero stuff. The twist of the movie is right after the false memories begin to be implanted into his brain, he wakes up and we learn he might actually be a real secret agent and might not be dream.
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Site News: Creation of PervertedGeek.com |
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 @ 11:08PM The primary goal of PervertedGeek.com is to show a glimpse of the world through the eyes of the editor of PervertedGeek. PervertedGeek is dedicated to covering many topics including news, entertainment and common sense we believe most should have figured out but have failed to do so. It would not be right to avoid hearing the opinions of the readers of PervertedGeek so through comments at the bottom of every topic we encourage you to share your perspectives on the topics covered by PervertedGeek. From time to time, we will post topics and even comics submitted by readers of PervertedGeek so if there is topic you wish PervertedGeek to cover, we encourage you to send an email with the topic and your perspective to topics@pervertedgeek.com.
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A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither. --Thomas Jefferson