World News: Replacing the iPod battery | Friday, October 8, 2004 @ 12:14PMDo you know how many people told me they will not buy an iPod because the battery is not replaceable? Despite what some websites are saying, it is possible to have the battery in the iPod replaced. The iPod battery is rated to last for 500 charging cycles which means most batteries will last for several years. But when the battery does finally die, it can be replaced. If the battery dies within two years and the iPod owner bought the AppleCare extended warranty, Apple will replace the battery for free. If the iPod is out of warranty it is still possible to replace the battery by either sending it back to Apple or doing it yourself.
How do you know if the iPod battery is going bad? The fourth generation battery should last for about 12 hours depending on use. The third generation iPod should last for about 8 hours of playtime. If you skip songs or keep the backlight on your playtime will be reduced significantly. If on average you only have a play time of six hours on the fourth generation or only 4 hours on your third generation then it is time to get the battery replaced under warranty. Apple will replace the battery under warranty when it can only hold 50% of its rated charge. For more information about the iPod battery and how to extent battery life, go here. Now that you have been informed let me not hear the iPod battery is not replaceable.
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