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   Entertainment: Why must all movies be treated like real movies?
Monday, April 4, 2005 @ 11:21PM
I watch lots of movies every week. I no longer watch much TV; whenever I am home I have a DVD playing. Before I watch a movie and usually after I have already bought the movie I visit to see what the critics though of the movie. After sometime I have concluded that when most critics watch a movie they always treat it and review it like a real movie. A large number of movies, most of them classified as comedies, are not real movies and should not be treated as such.

No one can tell me movies like Rocky and Bullwinkle, Evolution, Josie and the Pussy Cats, Ernest goes to Jail, Ernest in the Army, Mystery Men, Toys, High School High, Sugar and Spice, Zoolander and Fat Albert to name a few should be considered a real movie and therefore be held to the same level of standards as real movies such as Shawn of the Dead. Click on Readmore/Comments for rest of this rant...

   Entertainment: Google does it again
Friday, April 1, 2005 @ 02:21AM
Just when you think Google has done it all they come up with something completely new. It is good to see all the money they got from their IPO is not going to waste. And without further ado I bring you the Google gulp.

   Entertainment: Damn you Walmart and your $5.50 DVDs.
Thursday, March 31, 2005 @ 11:05PM
I stopped by a local Walmart one day looking for cheap movies. Moreover, what do I see, none other than a Nickelback DVD containing 7 music videos on the disc (As a little side note I got the DVD for $5.50 and not the $6.87 price quoted online). Not just any seven music videos but the best songs Nickelback has made. The DVD is not like most CDs, you buy were you get one or two good songs and the rest is crap. I broke down and bought the DVD. I feel dirty now. I vowed never to buy anything that would support the RIAA and here I have gone and bought something that is associated with the RIAA.

My only hope that in order for Walmart to sell the DVD at the $5.50 price they had to screw the RIAA so one bad organization was screwing another. Damn you RIAA, damn you Walmart. I have just lost a little piece of my soul.

   Entertainment: Warning - Avoid the movie Sideways
Thursday, March 31, 2005 @ 10:38PM
I have seen many movies in my life, these include Legally Blonde 2, Raise your voice, Josie and the Pussy Cats, the Notebook and dare I say it Napoleon Dynamite. I managed to watch all of those movies to the end however I could not bring myself to watch all of Sideways. The entire movie (or at least what I managed to through) was nothing more than two guys complaining more than I do and that is hard to do. One of the main purposes for Pervertedgeek is so I can bitch moan about things such what I am doing right now. About halfway through the movie I found myself surfing the web and more entertained by this than the movie.

This movie was supposed to have nudity but I could not even bear to continue watching this movie for the 10 seconds of nudity. Maybe if the movie had constant nudity and mean real nudity not man ass (ala Troy) then maybe I would have continued watching Sideways.

If you like slow movies about two guys complaining about their life then go ahead and watch the movie but if you like good movies then avoid this movie and if you really must watch a movie about guys complaining about their lives then go watch City Slickers at least in that movie they tried to make a point and have --- what’s the word --- I remember now – a plot.

   World News: My very own Jurassic Park
Friday, March 25, 2005 @ 01:48PM
What has a hard shell and a soft center? This time it is not piece of candy but rather a Tyrannosaurus fossil. The fossil was found in Montana and while transporting it the fossil was broken revealing a soft chewy center. The soft tissue appears to include blood vessels and bone cells; from these tissues it should be possible to extract dino proteins and possibly dino DNA.

   Entertainment: What a waste of time OR Game are fun
Friday, March 25, 2005 @ 01:23AM
Well, today is Friday and a holiday weekend so I do believe it time is right to waste as much time as possible playing online games. Today PervertedGeek bring to you Copter

   World News: I would like my brownies without frosting please
Thursday, March 10, 2005 @ 08:39PM
A teenager fed fellow students brownies with semen frosted brownies. Why you ask, because one of the students put peanut butter in his cheese sandwich and he hates peanut butter more than anything else in the world.

This is still one fucked up country.

   Entertainment: Mime or not to Mime
Thursday, March 10, 2005 @ 06:38PM

   Entertainment: Why outsourcing is bad
Wednesday, March 2, 2005 @ 12:35AM

   Entertainment: Condom Testing
Monday, February 28, 2005 @ 09:30PM

A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither. --Thomas Jefferson

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