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    Entertainment:  Here comes another Tuesday
Monday, May 9, 2005 @ 11:29PM

This week we have up In Good Company and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. For those of you in a hurry, In Good Company is good and The Life Aquatic is bad.

In Good Company stars Topher Grace who without his awkward pauses and delayed responses would make this an awful movie. Instead he turns a crummy movie into a watchable movie. I have not made up my mind as to whether Topher Grace is a good actor or just so bad he almost looks good in a comedy. If you are looking for a comedy based around a business you are much better off watching Office Space however if you are looking for a dumb company that takes place in an office then this is a movie you defiantly see but try to rent it or better yet barrower it because it is by no means good enough to buy.

The other movie, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, unlike In Good Company is just bad, correction make that awful. I got this movie because I thought it might be like Lost in Translation which was another movie Bill Murray stared in, but I was wrong. I will be honest; I never actually watch the entire movie. I got about 30 minutes into the movie and decided I could not watch anymore of it. I thought after 30 minutes the movie would get somewhere but I was wrong. The first third of it was nothing more than proving Steve Zissou (Bill Murray) is an idiot. I may be expecting too much but after 30 minutes a quarter of the movie, I expect the plot to go somewhere.

The other major problem with this movie is although it is billed as a comedy it is nothing more than a drama with a few poor overused punch lines. Just because a movie has a couple of jokes a comedy it does not become. Even with the few jokes in the movie they were only worth a chuckle and a real laugh.

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