Common Sense: Finding Patterns and Using Logic | Saturday, April 30, 2005 @ 02:58AMTo make it through life you need to find and understand patterns. By finding patterns in your everyday life you can make you life and everyone else’s life easier and safer.
Let’s practice finding patterns with this simple example, you go to a store, there are twelve movies on the shelf, all of them the same movie, all of the same format lets say widescreen for the sake of it, eleven of them have one price and one of them is has a different price. Which one of these is not like the other and does not fit the pattern? That would be the one the one with the different price. Now by using some logic one should be able to conclude that the correct price for the movie would be the price that is on eleven of the twelve and the one movie with the different price is most likely incorrect. You could ask the cashier what the correct price of the movie but do not act surprised when they tell you the price is the one that is on all but one of the movies.
Let’s try another pattern. This time it is a little bit more important to see the pattern because it involves traffic circles. When you approach a traffic circle you are suppose to stop till the circle is clear for you to enter and during this time you should look around find a pattern and use some logic. The first pattern you should notice is every single car is moving in a counter-clockwise direction so by following this pattern which direction should you go to continue the pattern? If you said clockwise then you would be the asshole that almost hit half-dozen cars while you were going in the wrong direction. Even if you missed the pattern you should have been able to see the signs saying one-way and the paint lines going into the circle that are intended to clue you in that you should be going counter-clockwise.
Next time you are in a store or on the road try to find the patterns because it will make life easier for everyone else because they will not have to play dodge the asshole car or explain to you why the price of the movie is one price and not the other because you failed to see the pattern.
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