Common Sense: Just wait your damn turn | Saturday, April 23, 2005 @ 06:59PMIn an ideal world, people would never have to wait in lines and they would be served immediately. However, we do not live in an ideal world and people do have to wait in line for their turn for a customer service representative to help them. Nobody likes waiting in line and customer service representatives in general do not find enjoyment in finding ways for customers to have to wait in line longer than they have to. No, there is nothing they can do to which will get you through the line faster. They are trying to serve each customer as fast as they can. Your complaining will not help anything and will only make the other people in line behind you to wait longer. Click on Read More / Comments for the rest of this rant.
The customer service representatives are not blind; they can see you waiting in line however, this is nothing they can do about it or else they would have done something. The manager cannot reach into a hat and have another customer service representative available to help you. If you really are in a hurry, you should have done some preplanning and come into the store during a time when they were not busy. But that is not the case, you came during one of the busiest times so relax and a customer service representative will get to you as soon as possible, so in the mean time stop complaining to everyone and just wait like everyone else is doing. In other words, just shut and wait your turn.
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