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    World News:  Pepsi Holiday Spice: The Gift That Just Will Not Go Away
Thursday, December 2, 2004 @ 11:04PM

Pepsi Holiday SpiceIf you watch any TV you will know Pepsi has introduced a special Limited Edition Pepsi for the Holiday season called Pepsi Holiday Spice. I will save you the time now by saying this new Pepsi is the worst soft drink I think I have ever had; I have not have the gravy soda from Jones Soda so I can not say at this time if it is the worst ever made but this new Pepsi is still really bad.

The first few seconds in your mouth the Pepsi Holiday spice soda actually tasks more like Pepsi than crap. The problem is after the first few seconds you get a strong taste of other things. The strongest taste is cinnamon and a little nutmeg. There is another taste I have yet to identify; some people have compared the additional flavoring to pine cleaner. If think you can just drink the soda fast to avoid the bad taste think again because this Holiday Spice Pepsi has the worst aftertaste I have ever tasted. The aftertaste just will not go away several minutes later and it is just as strong. Pepsi Holiday Spice is the gift that just keeps giving in your mouth.

The Pepsi looks like any cola should like, dark brown to black coloring however when you pour this Pepsi it is deep red. The red color is not that as bad, as it is the least offensive part of this soft drink.

I have bad sense of smell, I can only smell strong smells yet I could still smell this new Pepsi and if you have not caught on the smell is not pleasant. I should have stopped and never put the soda to my mouth after I smelled it but I tried to keep telling myself smells can be deceiving, but in this case it was not.

I use to think Pepsi Blue would be the worst soft drink Pepsi could ever make, that is till I tried Pepsi Holiday Spice. Pepsi Holiday Spice would be better if is had more cola flavoring and less everything else. If for some reason you actually like Pepsi Holiday Spice and want it during the rest of year, all you need to do is mix Pepsi with RedHots and you will be close to what this abomination of a soft drink is like.

If anyone from Pepsi is reading this, bring back Mountain Dew LiveWire year-round and never ever consider anything like Pepsi Holiday Spice again.

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