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    Common Sense:  Get your ass to the store earlier for the best deals
Saturday, November 27, 2004 @ 09:39PM

If you have been reading PervertedGeek’s previous posts, you are aware yesterday was Black Friday, the day retailers offer products below cost to bring consumers to their stores and to officially start the holiday season. While standing in line to checkout at one of the stores I visited, I overheard someone behind me who was talking into a cell phone. Normally I try to not pay attention or overhear what people are talking about on their cell phone however the individual in question was yelling into his cell phone so I am sure half the store heard what he said.

Relevant Facts :

  • The store opened at 6:00am
  • The guy started talking on the cell phone in the checkout line at 7:47
  • The guy started talking on his cell phone seconds after he entered the checkout line
  • The guy wanted an LCD monitor of which the ad clearly says only 25 are available
  • Based on the price the store was most likely selling the LCD below cost
  • While on his cell phone the individual made it clear he had not waited outside for the store to open nor had he arrived when the doors first opened
  • There were at least 100 people waiting outside for the store to open
The Story:
By this point you should be wondering what the point of this post is. While on his cell he was talking to someone telling them his disgust for the fact the store had no LCD monitor for him and how the employees at the store had given them out to the people who had arrived to the store earlier than he had; those bastards, how dare the store give out the best deals to the first people who come to the store. That’s right he was upset because the store ran out of an item he wanted even though he must have been the 500th person to arrive at the store and the sale ad clearly stated only 25 were available.

To this guy, what the hell did you think was going to happen? On the phone the guy even when as far as to say the deal was bogus and fraud. What fraud? The store was clear in telling you there were limited quantities available and common sense should tell you to get the store early for items you want. There were things in the store I really wanted so I was 18th in line outside waiting for the store to open at 6am. I waited 2 hours outside in the cold to make sure I got what I wanted. Guess what, I got everything I wanted. No, I did not get one of the LCD monitors; but I did consider getting one and I got my ass up from bed, got to the store early and was given an option to buy one. In fact I got up early enough that by the time you got in the checkout line I had already made it through the store, checked out, gone to two other stores and had time to come back to my first store to pick up some of the items I wanted but did not get my first time in the store.

Many of the items you see in the sale ads you received on Thanksgiving are sold at a loss for the store and are referred to as loss leaders. The store has a limited quantity of the loss leaders to limit the amount of the money they loose on these items. The point of having theses items sold at a loss is because it encourages people to come to their store and buy other stuff which the store does make money. In your case you did not get the LCD you wanted but you did get other items so the store’s promotion worked. You were upset you could not get the LCD yet you still got other items. This is exactly what the store wanted, they rewarded their most loyal customers who showed up early with great deals and they still got people like you to come to their store and buy stuff.

The Moral:
Next time if you want to get items on Black Friday which are a great deal, get your ass up and to the store before it opens. If you are unwilling to get up early then do not complain or blame the store for your laziness.

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