Entertainment: Completely Serious V for Vendetta Review | Sunday, July 23, 2006 @ 09:00PMTo be sung in the key of F major because Fuck this movie majorly sucked.
A for Asinine B for Boring C for Crap D for Drivel E and F for Entertainment Failure G for Garbage H for Horrible I for Insipid J for Junk K for Kontrived L for Lousy M and N for Mind Numbing P for Poor Q for Quarantine this movie R for Rediculous S for Stinking T for Terrible U for Unwatchable V for Vendetta, against the film makers W for Worthless X for Xerotripsis Y for Yuck Z for Zorro is better, at least he got some. Sure, this movie sucked but at least I watched all of it before I reviewed it. I am looking at you Mr. Seigel.
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