World News: President Bush and Senator Kerry verbal spewage | Wednesday, October 20, 2004 @ 11:10PMI believe it is time something is said about the upcoming election and the political rhetoric that is being spewed by both campaigns (Yes, I am aware there are other candidates but other than C-SPAN no one is listening to their verbal spewing). Do people actually think either candidate will actually do what they say if they are elected? Do people seriously think President Bush will kill the social security system? The people who receive social security make up the largest voting block. Killing social security will kill the careers of anyone that supports ending social security. Do people actually think Senator Kerry will pull all troops out of Iraq as soon as he is elected? Pulling troops out will destroy any stability currently in Iraq causing more problems there are now and as a result destroy the chance of Senator Kerry running for reelection.
Do people actually believe if Senator Kerry becomes President he will be able to wave a magical wand and fix the economy? Senator Kerry keeps talking about the tax incentives that encourage companies to outsource. I still have no idea what the hell he is talking about. I have taken several classes on economics including global economics and I still have no idea what he is talking about. I read his economic plan on his official website and it still did not give me any clues as to what he is talking about. Senator Kerry could you please tell everyone what you are talking about what bill or bills passed in congress or executive orders from the president encourage outsourcing by creating tax incentives. If you have any idea what Senator Kerry means please tell me in the comments below. Senator Kerry talks about how the tax cut President Bush enacted should be reversed so the taxes could be used to lower the deficit. How about Senator Kerry first asks his wife to pay her share of taxes under the current tax laws? Last year Mrs. Heinz Kerry only paid 12.4% in federal taxes. The average tax rate for all Americans was 15.9% so Mrs. Kerry paid less in taxes than more than half all Americans yet she made more money than most Americans. Before Senator Kerry tells others they should be paying more in taxes he should first look at his wife and ask her to pay her share of taxes. There is one thing Senator Kerry has been correct about. President Bush has done a bad job with handling prescription drugs and now has failed to properly handle the distribution on flu shots. President Bush has been warned for years the increasing possibility of a massive flu short shortage and he did nothing about it. Now the country has a severe shortage and Bush says it was totally unexpected. In an attempt to fix the problem President Bush is asking Canada to give us some of their vaccines. This is the same Canada President Bush says people should not but their prescription drugs from. How is it alright for the government to get drugs from Canada but the citizens of the United States cannot? The reasoning President Bush gives is the US government must make sure the drugs are safe before they can be given to citizens. Is President Bush trying to imply Canada is allowing its citizens to receive bad prescription drugs? Does President Bush not realize the drugs sold in Canada are many times made in the same manufacturing plants as the drugs sold in the United States? Citizens should be able to take reasonability for themselves and buy their prescription drugs from wherever they want to. I received a pamphlet in the mail the other day from President Bush’s reelection campaign. On one side it said President Bush supports the Boy Scouts. What is that suppose to mean? Does it mean that Kerry is against the Boy Scouts and intends to destroy the Scouts? If President Bush supports the Scouts why did he not say anything when a 9th circuit judge ruled the city of San Diego can revoke a lease which allowed the Boy Scouts to use the park after they spent millions improving the park? Why did Bush not say anything when a 9th circuit judge ruled the Boy Scouts a religious organization? It is less than two weeks before the election and neither candidate has shown they should hold the office of President of the United States. At this point I am convinced one party should take the executive branch of the government and the other part take the legislative branch so for the next four years nothing is accomplished, nothing good will happen but at the same time nothing bad will be allowed to happen. Our country can not afford to have either candidate start trying to "fix" the country.
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